• ❝Relearning to listen to your body is one of the ways to eat better❞

  • ❝Exercise is as important for health as the food we eat❞

  • ❝Your body needs care, use food to nourish it and not to destroy it❞


Read and find out more about us!


We can call it just a matter of survival, but Health and Family have always been priority values ​​for human life and, in the case of Auri Foods, these concepts were also what inspired the creation of the brand and its business project.

The daughter of the founders of Auri Foods was very resistant to food. In an attempt to guarantee her a healthy, complete diet that would provide her with all the proteins and vitamins necessary for her growth, they began looking for ingredients that would do the job, preferably using pleasant flavors and aromas that would motivate her at mealtimes.

And they succeeded! This family motivation is the result of the particular commitment and rigor that Auri has always applied to finding the safest and highest quality products. From then on, they decided to share this knowledge with other families and other consumers, with the hope of making an active contribution to people's nutrition.




Our mission is to stimulate and provide a significant improvement in people's well-being, through healthy, nutrient-rich, tastier and more enjoyable food.




It was under careful control of the most advanced food engineering techniques that Auri began a history that, although it only arrived in Portugal for sale throughout Europe in 2018, already has many years of consolidated experience in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

The brand was, in fact, a global pioneer in the manufacture of supplements based on flavoured nutritional yeast. In Brazil, specifically, it was also the first manufacturer of vegan supplements based on proteins such as those found in rice and peas, dispensing with any components of animal origin. Thanks to meticulous laboratory tests aimed at maximum food safety without sacrificing the sensory component expressed in appetising aromas, appealing textures and culinary authenticity.




Regardless of the nutritional composition and gastronomic proposal in question, each of these products always fulfils the same objective: to provide the consumer with a source of proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, fibres and other nutrients that, although essential to the human body, the organism does not always produce in sufficient quantity or retain in the most effective way.

Discover our Proteins now
